Update: Local buses are operating at normal operation. Fort Benning route riders will be notified when those buses become operational we will send another update.

The Fort Benning routes will be delayed this morning due to an accident. This delay will affect all students. The middle-High school will have an hour or more delay. Elementary will have a slight delay. We will continue to monitor this situation and send updates as things change.

To watch tonight's Board Meeting Live click the link below

With wind gusts up to 40 mph and the most severe storms (in the southern end of the county) predicted between 6:00-8:00 am, all Chattahoochee Co schools will operate on a 2 hour delay. This means bus pick up will be 2 hours later from the normal pick-up time. This delay is a safety precaution due to the impact of unpredictable winds on school bus drivers, possible debris in roads, and the condition of dirt roads due to storms.

We are aware of the possibility of severe weather on Wednesday morning. This path of the storm is being monitored in consultation with our state agencies. At this time, no changes to the school arrival time or school day are expected. In the event of any changes, a message will be shared early Wednesday morning when a decision is made.

Chattco Weather Update: In consultation with local meteorologists, the attendance zones for ChattCo are not expected to be impacted by weather until later in the day. To ensure students are home and buses are off the road, the buses will arrive approximately 10-15 min earlier at each stop so that routes are completed by 4:00.

Families: Today's pending storms are being monitored in consultation with local meteorologists and the weather center. At this time, the storms appear to be strongest after 5:00. There will be no early dissmissal but all after school activites have been canceled. We will continue to monitor closely and communicate any changes in a timely manner.

Chattco Attendance Information:
Excuses for student absences can be submitted by one of these methods: Written excuses can be brought/sent to the school office OR excuses can be emailed to:
CCEC: ccecattendance@chattco.org
CCMHS: mhsattendance@chattco.org
Students are allowed up to ten parental excuses per year. Parental excuses are excuses outside of a doctor’s note or other allowable excuse per the student handbook. *Student Handbook located at www.chattco.org.
Seat time recovery options are available for those who qualify.

To view the Board Meeting Live, please use the below link.

As we all prepare for back to school on Tuesday, we ask all bus riders to please be at your stops early. Due to bus driver shortages across the state as well as more students using bus services, ChattCo continues to make adjustments to routes to balance all factors. Thank you for your patience. To assist, please make sure your current information is in PowerSchool. We look forward to seeing everyone!

The 2022-2023 virtual learning application is now open. Virtual School will only be available for grades 9th-12th and no EOC course is allowed to be taken virtually. The applications and information can be found under Parents and Students on the district and High school sites.

Chattco Community: Please use the link below to fill out a Community Input Survey for the 2022-2023 school year Budget. Your input is very important as we work together to create productive contributors in society. As a service oriented system, we must hear from you to create and expand programs that you want to see for your children and community. Thank you!

View the Chattco BOE meeting using the link below!

As winter illnesses approach, please remember that any student or adult can be seen at the school clinic, ESE. Simply call to connect or complete the registration form located under medical information on the website.

Parents, using the Email registered with PowerSchool you can track your students Internet activity tied to their @chattco.org along with other features by using the GoGuardian Parent App! For more information please visit the Technology Information page under Parents and Students.